help us confirm!

Already this is getting more complicated than I originally thought.  Our very first submission is a possible photo thief on Facebook... and I don't have access to their page to check the link and confirm it!

To quote our source "I have been battling with this one for a very very long time without any sucess. 99 per cent  of the photos are not his and he will carry on abusing. There is only one of my pictures but I find it as annoying that he is abusing the system."

While I am confident that this is valid, we need to confirm before we start anything!   So... can anyone see this image to send a screen grab?!/photo.php?pid=205895&id=132708643428602&ref=fbx_album

We won't use actual links here for the cake thieves (or potential ones) to protect us all from vindictive people.  Simply copy the whole address and paste it in your web browser (it works just fine without the www. but they can't track it back here!)

Remember, this is unconfirmed, we'll let him have it with both barrels AFTER we have confirmed :-)

This page will be for any reports that I am not able to verify... once we have verification, I will post the info on our Black List and on the main blog!

And here is another one...